✨The Playhouse Gentle Gatherings - Woman’s circle✨ (platonic/sensual)

Gentle Gathering is an event designed for women and FLINTA* to come together in a homely environment, where we can slow down, feel, and be held—just as we are.

Many of us have a profound longing for the gentle caring touch of a woman, for the tickling sensation of fingernails stroking someone's back. We will create a safe space to talk, to feel emotions, to be welcomed as who we are and to meet our fundamental desires for acceptance, belonging and love. This time we will focus on the inner child, looking at the needs, wishes and stories that appear. This is a place to meet and exhange knowledge, exploring moments focusigon the healing properties of gentle touch.

🕯 When & Where?

🔸 Sunday, March 23rd

🔸 Arrive between 7:00 - 7:30 PM, we’ll close the space and begin shortly after. The gathering will end around 10:00 - 10:30 PM.

🔸 Limited to 25 participants – To reserve your spot and receive the address, please send a PM to @AntoniaElea on telegram or email theplayhouseberlin@gmail.com

Come as you are and simply be✨

💛 This event is donation-based. To add to the warmth, we’d love for you to bring some soul food (fruits & sweets) to share with others.

(*FLINTA = Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans, and Agender people)